Our Green Pledge

Here at Indoor Outdoors, we love trees and the great outdoors, it's half of our name at the end of the day. We are always trying to help the environment in some way, and now as part of our #Plant1MillionTrees campaign, we will be doing even more.

What is our pledge?

For every order placed, we will plant a tree to offset the carbon emission of your delivery.

We are also working on the following:

  • Reducing our use of Bubble Wrap in product packaging by up to 90%
  • Removing the use of single-use plastics in all of our packaging and wrapping
  • Moving to a new Paper Tape for sealing our boxes, made from fully-recycled materials

Why are we doing this?

This isn't being done entirely because we love trees, nature and the environment. One of our big goals is to help offset the carbon emissions from our manufacturing and delivery as part of our overarching goal to carbon neutral. Planting trees, flowers and other flora will help us to achieve this through our #Plant1MillionTrees camapign.

Carbon emissions are the release of carbon into the atmosphere, and are often known as greenhouse gas emissions; the main contributors to climate change and global warming. The burning of fossil fuels within the delivery and manufacture of our products creates what is known as a "carbon footprint". 

Do I need to do anything?

Just place your order as normal, you'll see mentions of this on the cart page before you checkout, we will ensure planting is done on a monthly basis to cover all of that month's orders.

If you have the space at your home and would like to help the #Plant1MillionTrees cause, you can also add a tree to your cart and help us to help the world.

How can I keep up to date?

We will be routinely posting on Facebook about our #Plant1MillionTrees campaign, and you can subscribe to out YouTube channel to keep up to date with our progress and any planting updates


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